About Me…

I am a currently a 35 year old mother to twins (boy/girl) and wife to a wonderful husband. My son A and daughter N are the highlights and sometimes lowlights of my life. My husband A1 keeps me propped up when I think I can go any further.

My twin loves...

My twin loves…

I stay in a city called Port Elizabeth in South Africa. Its more of the smaller cities compared to Cape Town and Johannesburg, but its where I call home.

Ok, that’s the nice part.

I am also sarcastic, bitchy, sometimes overly opinionated, and I generally bitch and moan about the life of a working mommy. It’s what I do. I think I am rather good at it. 😉

I also, in between the above, have some nice things to say about life in general and about life as a working twin mommy. Depends what mood I am in.

I started A Little Less Fluff out of a need, more than a want. I needed to vent. I needed to have an outlet that would give me a sense of relief instead of the frustrations I was feeling at the time. It has grown from strength to strength and I am proud.

Some other things you might want to know about me…

*    I have a BlackBerry addiction. Which has subsequently moved on to an Android addiction.

*    If I could be 24/7 on Twitter, I would be.

*    I adore coffee. It makes me happy. If I am happy, then everyone around me is happy. 

*    I was a smoker. I now vape. As in electronic ciggies. Which believe it or not is far better. 

*    The only pictures you will ever see of me on this blog are of me in my drawings. Coz my drawings are better pictures of me than actual pictures of me. Yes, I have issues. 😉 Side note: have recently posted 1 pic. Its Ugly. Side side note: Instagram happened and I managed some decent pics of myself. Got over that hurdle as one would say.

*    I draw coz sometimes it’s easier to explain something in a drawing (even though the drawings suck) than with words.

*    I have accepted that I will NOT win the Mother of The Year award. I am not perfect. I will make mistakes. But that doesn’t mean I am a bad mother.

* I adore nail art, shoes and fashion in general. I think I will have to start posting some of that. 😉

11 thoughts on “About Me…

  1. Just wanted to let you know that it’s been lovely getting to know you and as a small token of my appreciation, I’m nominating you for a “Lovely Blog Award” and “The Versatile Blog Award”
    (You can grab the logo from my blog)..

    If you have already received this or prefer not to participate – no problems. I won’t be offended ☺

    I just want to let you know and others that I’ve so far enjoyed reading your blog!

    The rules for acceptance are:

    1. Choose five (or more) other people who deserve this award and pass it on.
    2. Tell 7 facts about yourself.
    3. Let the people you gave the award to know.
    4. Thank the person who gave you the award.

    Have an awesome day !


    • WOW! Are you kidding? Im so honored! Thank you so much!
      I will definately pass this on!

      Have a wonderful fantastic day! You have just made mine!


    • Great. Hello! Nice to meet you.
      Thanks so much for stopping by!
      Thats great to hear about your twins. Wow, and nearly two huh? Let me know how its going ok? 🙂

  2. Hey Yasmin,

    Sorry to leave this on your about page…I can’t seem to find an email. (it’s early here!:)) If it’s not too much trouble could you update my link on your blogroll to twinisms.com? I’m not posting on the twinisms.wordpress.com page anymore.

    Thanks, good luck with the fighting! (If it’s any consolation, Jackson just now kicked Reese of the couch. Literally, he used his feet and kicked him off the couch!!)

    • Ooo! I’m so sorry! I meant to do it a while ago and then got lost again.
      Will change it now. 🙂

  3. I also used to smoke (gave up 3weeks ago) and only because my smoking was my “me” time. Didn’t smoke around Dh or LB but rather sat outside hving a quiet moment. Then it became ridiculous, the two of them used to follow me everywhere! Really. As soon as I light my smoke, they’re there. So I decided that enough is enough I can’t take this shit anymore and I stopped. Now I go have a swim for “me” time. Or I just sit in the dark sipping on a savanna/amarula. Hehehe

It would be awesome if you left a comment. No, really it would!