The Art Of Remaining Level Headed Escapes Me…

So we all wake up relatively early yesterday morning to get ready for N’s ENT Specialist appointment.

 We had to wake her up! Every other bloody morning she is up at sparrow fart, but yesterday morning? Nope, we had to wake her. She seemed ok. And what I mean is that she wasn’t in a crap mood (coz she can be, which would have made yesterday a terrible experience) and I breathed a sigh of relief.

We had to sneak out of the house, so A (who stayed with L) would not have a fit coz he didn’t get to “go out”. We were finally off and made it to the ENT’s office in good time.

N played in the waiting room with the kids’ stuff and we were the only ones there. The doc arrived like 15 minutes late for our appt. I hate waiting especially when it has to do with my kid. But I sucked it up and we went in.

N was such a trooper and sat (to my amazement) quite still on my lap while doc checked her ears, nose and throat. Granted he was really good with her and played with her to make her comfortable. That made me relax somewhat.

I tensed up again when he sent us to get X-Rays of N’s nasal passages to check her adenoids. She had never been before and I was extremely nervous of her reaction.

Don’t you think my baby takes it like a trooper? Hellyes!! She lay nice and still on the table, even when the X-Ray chick held her head to position it correctly. She didn’t make a peep. No moaning or crying! I was so proud!

Side note: clearly I come from the age of still waiting to get X-Ray slides. Apparently they now email the scans straight to the doc and you don’t have to wait for an eternity! Who Knew?

Back in the docs office and he shows us N’s adenoids are highly enlarged. My heart sank. I knew where this was going.

The gap in her nasal passages left for her to breathe is only about 1mm!

She would have to have them removed.

I wanted to cry right there. Although it’s a painless procedure she still has to go under anesthetic. I have to go into the theatre with her until they knock her out and then leave them to do their thing. I don’t think I’m strong enough. I don’t know how she will be when she wakes up. I’m paranoid and irrational and the thought makes me get a lump in my throat.

She goes in next Thursday. I have to mentally prepare myself. She can’t have anything to eat before the op. We have to be at the hospital at 7am. Meaning we wake her up and get ready and if she wants something we have to completely not give her anything. My heart breaks.

I’m gonna be a wreck.

Now to add to this A has a cold. Might be flu but am determined not to let it get that far. So sleeping is rough at the moment. And we now have to make sure that N doesn’t catch it. Right, how well do you think that is going to work???

And did I mention we got car back after clutch cable snapped? Repairs cost over R3000!

I’m starting to feel slightly unstable here. But I need to hold it together. I need to not just go ahead and scream. I need to not have a complete meltdown and go hide in a corner.

I need to.

Technology Fail…Amongst Other Things.

I will NEVER get the hang of this whole technology thing!

Just when I think I have it all under control, I don’t. I seriously don’t.


So this weekend I go ahead and add a “contact me” on my blog. Hope you noticed!  😉

In any case I changed the email to the new email on my account etc. and that was that.

You see, I thought when I changed email addresses it would not affect the blogs I subscribed too with my other one. I, for a lack of a better word, was naïve. Turns out it doesn’t work that way. I discovered this morning that I should have in actual fact have gone into my settings of the blogs I subscribed too and tell WordPress to send me updates when new blog posts are up. Now I might have had a bit of a bright spark moment and thought that maybe this will only be for the blogs I subscribe too that are WordPress blogs. Right? Shit, I don’t know. Will have to wait until one of those wonderful people post something.


N is snoring again. Louder this time. I think her sinus issue is getting worse. The nasal spray the paed recommended (which was a spray in each nostril before bed) has worked wonderfully up until now.

I have no idea what’s happening. She sleeps at night with her mouth open just so she can breathe a bit better. She snores so loudly I can hear her from the lounge sometimes. And sometimes it sounds like she is drawing a “last breath”.  <<<<<< (Insert not sleeping to well and dreaming horrid things on my part here).            

This situation has led to her being all pms like (this is what I call it coz there is no better way for me to explain the mood she was in yesterday). One minute she was a happy little girl, the next she wanted to make her brother bleed, and the next she was all tears and just wanted to be in the arms (standing up, not sitting and being in the arms). This cycle carried on most of the day right up until bedtime.

Have been trying to phone the paed office since 08h30! WTF? Why am I getting  “our lines are currently busy please hold” message. I’d be mighty pissed if they were closed (as tomorrow is a Public Holiday) and just didn’t damn well put a message saying so!


Last night I hurt my back. No, it’s not what you’re thinking you pervs 😉 , it’s the mere fact that my kids are becoming (what feels like) mini elephants. After N’s little pms moment yesterday, it was on one of those moments where I picked her up and my lower back said: “TO HEAR AND NO FURTHER!!”  I’m not gonna lie. It hurts like a bitch. I mean while walking putting pressure on my right foot sends endless amounts of agony from my lower back out toward my whole body. It hurts, pure and simple.

I thought if I just got a good night’s sleep it would be better and that I would be fine this morning. I’m not.

 This is going to be a looong day….

Update: I got hold of the paed office. Seems we should up the dosage of N’s nasal spray to twice a day for a week and see if it helps clear it. If not she needs to see the ENT. Its now a wait and see game.